Welcome, I am Isaria, so glad you have stopped by!

If you are someone who feels an inner calling to a path of awakening and have a deep sense that this is ‘your time’ to unlock your unique gifts and live in a more fulfilled and expansive way, you are in the ‘right’ place.

This is a sacred space that will allow you to take a breath, a pause, to acknowledge and reconnect with the inner calling that resonates deeply within you. For the unique and true ‘You’ to be seen, heard and acknowledged!


♥ Over the past three decades I have been on my own spiritual awakening journey. As a mentor and channel I am here to offer a unique, deeply healing and alchemical process that will support your personal and spiritual growth.

♥ Alongside my intuition, knowledge of healing and metaphysics the cornerstone of my work lies in my ability to channel the profound wisdom, guidance and transformative healing activations from several Galactic Councils of Light, including Elohim, Sirius and Arcturian Frequencies, the Council of 9 and ‘Ishtaria’.

♥ These Councils exist beyond the boundary of our ordinary perception. They offer us an awareness of our highest capabilities and provide practical, down to earth and  tangible guidance for our everyday lives.

Alignment with our path only happens as we let go of the parts of ourselves that keep us limited and fearful of the enormity of our true purpose.

My heartfelt intention is to serve as a pure conduit for a greater perspective of our human potential empowering others to discover their innate ability to connect and tap into higher realms of consciousness and divine guidance.


Regardless of where you currently find yourself on your personal journey you will be  truly blessed by the love, wisdom and healing offered by the Councils of Light.

Align With Your Soul’s True Desires and Illuminate Your Unique Purpose

  Channeled Sessions

A sacred experience that is uniquely transformative. Perhaps unlike anything you have experienced before!

No matter your questions you will gain invaluable insights, a deeper sense of purpose as profound wisdom, guidance and healing activations are directly and specifically offered for your unique life experience. Empowering your next steps!

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  Alchemy Mentoring

A deeply healing, magical and alchemical process that will support you in uncovering and connecting more consciously with deeper levels of your purpose and expression.

It will support you to clear self limiting beliefs that have prevented you from living in peace, joy empowerment and true abundance!


Group Gatherings

An invitation to connect with a heart-aligned, intimate circle with a shared desire for healing and spiritual growth.

Whether new or familiar with my channeling work you will find a Group Session to be profound and deeply healing. Supporting you to release what no longer serves and raise your frequency.

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What others have said….

My session with Isaria and her Guides was exactly what I was hoping for and more. I felt very safe to ask about an issue that has been plaguing me for years and have been yearing to get an answer for. It was effortless and the generosity of the clear resonse was exciting and nourishing.

I felt validated and very much at home. Her great ability to express her Guides clearly and effectively to reach the depth of my Soul was so inspiring and nurturing.

I felt seen, loved and met. I will be recommending to any of my friends who are seeking spiritual guidance and confirmation with life decisions.

I am feeling very blessed by this experience.  Susan Walstab – (Melbourne, Australia)

Isaria is a loving, gifted intuitive and channeler. The energy that she is able to bring in is palpable, and the dialogue is easy to understand and conversational. If you need clarity about something, I am sure you will gain insight on it! Plus, you get an audio recording of the session which is hugely helpful to review so you can focus on just being present in the moment, a huge bonus!

Lindalee Davis – Transformational life/business guide – The Alignment Accelerator

,Such an amazing experience! I just want to thank, you thank, you thank you! I am so inspired by the words the Sirius Council shared with me. I appreciate the insights so much.

It was playful, it was fun, and the feeling that I had when I walked away, was this…I felt so embraced by you Isaria, by the energy of  the Guides and by the information that you all shared. I highly recommend you.

This was a life changing experience in lots of great ways! It was simple, it was direct, it was clear. And more than anything it was super meaningful! So, thank you, thank you, thank you!   Julie Greenberg USA

Thank you so much for the session yesterday. I got so much from it.  In fact I’ll have to listen to it again to take it all in. I also plan to transcribe it.  I loved the immediate answers to my questions, with the wisdom and the depth that I needed.  The answers were more comprehensive than I expected. 

These beings were very thorough, and they were mindful too in the way they phrased things … I didn’t feel judged.  I felt a gentle kindness underlying everything.  There are also layers to the answers they gave I realise.  And as I understand something more or move further along my path, in time there’ll be more for me to ‘get’. 

I appreciated the tuning in you did before the channelling and the information you provided.  It was spot on.  I can highly recommend Isaria and her channelled beings to anyone who wants clarity, confirmation, higher wisdom and more understanding.  We all need a little help along the way in this life.  This session provided it for me. 

I’m looking forward already to the next time I might need some divine guidance.  Thank you again, Debbie B

In this video I channel the Arcturians. They  speak of connecting with our hearts to create a more expansive experience for ourselves and the collective despite the chaos and turbulent times we are going through.

In this channeling with the Sirius Beings of Light they offer guidance on the importance of self-discovery and connecting with one’s inner world, heart, and soul essence to overcome the belief in separation and chaos. 

Aligning with the truth of who we are offers us the experience of inner peace even in the face of outer chaos. Connecting with our Divine, eternal nature as a being of light having this earthly experience.

This is our advantage. We can see that no fear is too great, to not be willing, to let it go. We abide by no rules save only the Rule of extending Love.

Know that we, as all inter-dimensional beings, are truly in respect of your situation on this planet at this time. Our help is on offer without restriction. We speak from the ‘other side of the fence’– beyond what it is you know in your world

Our desire is to nurture you on a journey of Self-discovery one in which the richness lies within. This will lead you to the remembrance of yourselves as pure Spirit energy and with that missing piece you can then embark on a life that is grand beyond measure.   Elohim  



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